My ladies, please hear me. Your life doesn't end at graduating, getting married and having babies. We can do more. Our male counterparts graduate, strive to develop themselves before they begin to think about getting married. Marriage is a good; a great thing in fact, but it shouldn't be our only focus and end as ladies. You talk to a graduating female about her plans and she goes "After graduation, I want to get married, have two or three kids and other things may follow after then". What happens to you? What happens to making yourself relevant before becoming someone's liability? Is marriage the end of your life? See your life is beyond getting married and having children. You need to begin to think about what you can do for yourself, your family and the society. There are enough kids out there already. Before you add one more, think about what you have done for yourself as a woman and for your society. Those business in your head, those passions you have...